A C++ library for distributed co-simulation
Namespace List
Here is a list of all documented namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 NasyncFacilities for asynchronous function execution
 NbusFunctions and classes related to the simulation bus structure
 NerrorException types and error handling facilities
 NfmiClasses and functions related to the Functional Mock-up Interface (FMI)
 NlogProgram logging facilities
 NmasterAPI for use by applications that implement a simulation master
 NmodelTypes and constants that describe model structure
 NnetNetworking, communication and general-purpose protocols
 NipFunctions and classes used for communication over the Internet Protocol
 NreqrepClasses that implement a generic request-reply meta-protocol
 NserviceDynamic network service discovery
 NudpFacilities for communication over the User Datagram Protocol (UDP)
 NzmqxFunctions and classes that extend or wrap the ZeroMQ API
 NprotobufFunctions for using Protobuf with ZMQ
 NdomainFunctions for constructing and parsing messages sent between domain participants
 Nexe_dataFunctions for constructing and parsing messages sent on the execution data channel, i.e. variable values
 NexecutionFunctions for constructing and parsing messages sent between execution participants
 NproviderAPI for use by applications that implement a slave provider
 NslaveAPI for use by applications that implement a simulation slave
 NutilMisc. utilities (i.e., stuff that didn't really fit anywhere else)
 NzipUtilities for dealing with ZIP archives
 NstdSTL namespace