A C++ library for distributed co-simulation
File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 execution_manager.hppDefines the coral::bus::ExecutionManager class
 execution_manager_private.hppDefines the coral::bus::ExecutionManagerPrivate class
 execution_state.hppDefines the coral::bus::ExecutionState class, along with its subclasses which represent the various states of an execution
 slave_agent.hppDefines the coral::bus::SlaveAgent class
 slave_control_messenger.hppDefines the coral::bus::ISlaveControlMessenger interface and the two related functions ConnectToSlave() and MakeSlaveControlMessenger()
 slave_control_messenger_v0.hppDefines the coral::bus::SlaveControlMessengerV0 class
 slave_controller.hppDefines the coral::bus::SlaveController class
 slave_provider_comm.hppSlave provider client/server communication classes
 slave_setup.hppDefines the coral::bus::SlaveSetup class
 glue.hppConversions between FMI variable attributes and "our" attributes
 ip.hppInternal module header for coral::net::ip
 reactor.hppContains the coral::net::Reactor class and related functionality
 reqrep.hppModule header for coral::net::reqrep
 service.hppModule header for coral::net::service
 udp.hppModule header for coral::net::udp
 zmqx.hppModule header for coral::net::zmqx
 domain.hppMain header file for coral::protocol::domain
 exe_data.hppModule header for coral::protocol::exe_data
 execution.hppMain header file for coral::protocol::execution
 glue.hppGlue code that relates public APIs and internal communication protocols
 console.hppUtilities for writing console applications
 zip.hppModule header for coral::util::zip
 async.hppModule header for coral::async
 error.hppMain header file for coral::error
 protobuf.hppMain header file for coral::protobuf
 util.hppMain header file for coral::util
 variable_io.hppDefines the coral::bus::VariablePublisher and coral::bus::VariableSubscriber classes
 fmu.hppDefines a version-independent FMU interface
 fmu1.hppClasses for dealing with FMI 1.0 FMUs
 importer.hppFMU import functionality
 cluster.hppDefines the coral::master::ProviderCluster class and related functionality
 execution.hppDefines the coral::master::Execution class and related functionality
 execution_options.hppConfiguration options for an execution
 provider.hppDefines the coral::provider::SlaveProvider class and related functionality
 slave_creator.hppDefines the coral::provider::SlaveCreator interface and related functionality
 exception.hppExceptions specific to coral::slave
 instance.hppDefines the coral::slave::Instance interface
 logging.hppDefines the coral::slave::LoggingInstance class
 runner.hppDefines the coral::slave::Runner class and related functionality
 filesystem.hppFilesystem utilities
 fmi.hppMain module header for coral::fmi. Includes all headers in coral/fmi/
 log.hppMain header file for coral::log (but also contains a few macros)
 master.hppMain module header for coral::master. Includes all headers in coral/master/
 model.hppMain module header for coral::model
 net.hppMain module header for coral::net
 provider.hppMain module header for coral::provider. Includes all headers in coral/provider/
 slave.hppMain module header for coral::slave. Includes all headers in coral/slave/