A C++ library for distributed co-simulation
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 Ccoral::async::CommThread< StackData >Creates and controls a background communications thread
 Ccoral::async::CommThreadTask< StackData, Result >Contains the Type member alias, which defines the signature for functions executed asynchronously by CommThread
 Ccoral::bus::AddedSlaveUsed in ExecutionManager::Reconstitute() to specify a slave which should be added to the simulation
 Ccoral::bus::ExecutionManagerManages and coordinates all participants in an execution
 Ccoral::bus::ExecutionManagerPrivateImplementation class for coral::bus::ExecutionManager
 Ccoral::bus::ExecutionStateThe superclass of all classes that represent execution states
 Ccoral::bus::ISlaveControlMessengerAn interface for classes that implement various versions of the master/slave communication protocol
 Ccoral::bus::SlaveControlMessengerV0An implementation of ISlaveControlMessenger for version 0 of the master/slave communication protocol
 Ccoral::bus::PendingSlaveControlConnectionA handle for a pending connection to a slave
 Ccoral::bus::SlaveAgentA class which contains the state of the slave and takes care of responding to requests from the master node in an appropriate manner
 Ccoral::bus::SlaveConfigUsed in ExecutionManager::Reconfigure() to specify variable value and connection changes
 Ccoral::bus::SlaveControlConnectionA handle for an established connection to a slave
 Ccoral::bus::SlaveControllerA class which is used for controlling one slave in an execution
 Ccoral::bus::SlaveProviderClientA class for communicating with a single slave provider
 Ccoral::bus::SlaveProviderOpsAn interface for the services offered by a slave provider, for use with MakeSlaveProviderServer()
 Ccoral::bus::SlaveSetupConfiguration data which is sent to each slave as they are added to the simulation
 Ccoral::bus::VariablePublisherA class which handles publishing of variable values on the network
 Ccoral::bus::VariableSubscriberA class which handles subscriptions to and receiving of variable values
 Ccoral::fmi::FMUAn interface for classes that represent imported FMUs
 Ccoral::fmi::FMU1A class which represents an imported FMI 1.0 FMU
 Ccoral::master::AddedSlaveUsed in Execution::Reconstitute() to specify a slave which should be added to the simulation
 Ccoral::master::ExecutionMaster execution controller
 Ccoral::master::ProviderClusterA common communication interface to a cluster of slave providers
 Ccoral::master::ProviderCluster::SlaveTypeInformation about a slave type
 Ccoral::master::SlaveConfigUsed in Execution::Reconfigure() to specify variable value and connection changes
 Ccoral::model::SlaveDescriptionA description of a specific slave
 Ccoral::model::SlaveTypeDescriptionA description of a slave type
 Ccoral::model::VariableAn object that identifies a variable in a simulation, and which consists of a slave ID and a variable ID
 Ccoral::model::VariableDescriptionA description of a single variable
 Ccoral::model::VariableSettingAn object which represents the action of assigning an initial value to a variable, or to connect it to another variable
 Ccoral::net::EndpointA protocol/transport independent endpoint address specification
 Ccoral::net::ip::AddressAn object which identifies an internet host or network interface as either an IPv4 address or a textual name
 Ccoral::net::ip::EndpointAn object which identifies an endpoint for Internet communication as a combination of an address and a port number
 Ccoral::net::ip::NetworkInterfaceInfoInformation about a network interface
 Ccoral::net::ip::PortAn object which represents an internet port number
 Ccoral::net::ReactorAn implementation of the reactor pattern
 Ccoral::net::reqrep::ClientA backend class for clients that communicate with a Server
 Ccoral::net::reqrep::ServerA generic server class for simple request-reply protocols
 Ccoral::net::reqrep::ServerProtocolHandlerAn interface for classes that implement the server side of request-reply protocols, to be used with Server
 Ccoral::net::service::BeaconA class for broadcasting information about a service, so it can be automatically detected on a network
 Ccoral::net::service::ListenerA class for detecting services on a network
 Ccoral::net::service::TrackerA class for keeping track of services on a network
 Ccoral::net::SlaveLocatorClass which represents the network location(s) of a slave
 Ccoral::net::udp::BroadcastSocketA class for sending and receiving UDP broadcast messages
 Ccoral::net::zmqx::RepSocketA server socket for communication with one or more client nodes in a request-reply pattern
 Ccoral::net::zmqx::ReqSocketA client socket for communication with a single server node
 Ccoral::protocol::domain::HeaderThe information in a message header
 Ccoral::provider::SlaveCreatorAn interface for classes that create slaves of a specific type
 Ccoral::provider::SlaveProviderA slave provider that runs in a background thread
 Ccoral::slave::InstanceAn interface for classes that represent slave instances
 Ccoral::fmi::SlaveInstanceAn FMI co-simulation slave instance
 Ccoral::fmi::SlaveInstance1An FMI 1.0 co-simulation slave instance
 Ccoral::slave::LoggingInstanceA slave instance wrapper that logs variable values to a file
 Ccoral::slave::RunnerA class for running a slave instance
 Ccoral::util::TempDirAn RAII object that creates a unique directory on construction and recursively deletes it again on destruction
 Ccoral::util::zip::ArchiveA class for reading ZIP archives
 Cstd::enable_shared_from_this< FMU1 > [external]
 Ccoral::fmi::FMU1A class which represents an imported FMI 1.0 FMU
 Cstd::enable_shared_from_this< Importer > [external]
 Ccoral::fmi::ImporterImports and caches FMUs
 Cstd::exception [external]STL class
 Ccoral::async::CommThreadDeadAn exception that signals an error that has caused CommThread's background thread to terminate unexpectedly
 Ccoral::bus::ShutdownException thrown when the slave receives a TERMINATE command
 Cstd::logic_error [external]STL class
 Ccoral::error::PreconditionViolationAn exception which is used to signal that one or more of a function's preconditions were not met
 Cstd::runtime_error [external]STL class
 Ccoral::error::ProtocolNotSupportedException thrown on an attempt to use an unsupported protocol
 Ccoral::error::ProtocolViolationExceptionException thrown when communication fails due to a protocol violation
 Ccoral::protobuf::SerializationExceptionException that signals failure to serialize or deserialize a message
 Ccoral::protocol::execution::RemoteErrorExceptionException which signifies that the remote end sent a DENIED or ERROR message
 Ccoral::slave::TimeoutExceptionThrown when a communications timeout is reached
 Ccoral::util::zip::ExceptionException class for errors that occur while dealing with ZIP files